O2 - High-value Skills Development Tool-kit

A suite of bespoke mini-learning format resources for young people that support the acquisition of high-value labour market-oriented skills was developed as follows:
COMMUNICATION - resources that focus on building the skills to be an effective communicator and helping young people to develop an understanding of different communication styles;
TEAMWORK - resources that focus on building the capacity of young people to bring together a combination of individual skills in pursuit of a common goal by helping, persuading, sharing, being flexible, and showing commitment;
PROBLEM-SOLVING - resources that focus on building the skills on young workers to effectively define a problem; determine the cause of the problem; identify, prioritize, select and implement a solution to address the issue at hand;
LEADERSHIP - resources that focus on building skills to be an effective leader able to motivate and inspire those around you.

Look at these resources in our learning portal. Here is the link.