Project Partners

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AKLUB Zentrum für Bildung und Beratung

AKLUB Centre of education and counseling - is an educational organization which was established in 1997 in Krnov, the Czech Republic. AKLUB is respected and highly appreciated for its educational services and for its work in developing educational programmes and products. Its educational services are targeted at three different target groups, as follows:
1. Professionals and experts including teachers, counselors, employment advisers, psychologists, seminar leaders.
2. Disadvantaged individuals including unemployed people, people with disabilities and people at risk of social exclusion.
3. Young people - students, dropouts and disadvantaged young people.

In cooperation with schools and municipalities, we develop new tools for education and motivation of young people. We cooperate with many schools and institutions in our region. We provide counseling services and guidance to young people. We develop and run different services and programmes to help young people face different situations in their professional and private life. We work with about 500 young people per year.

Our work is a mixture of theoretical development of new tools with their practical implementation into practical life. AKLUB has been working for 22 years in the field of education and implementation of new innovative tools to the Czech environment on regional and national level. During these years we build a lot of contacts and links with the target group of young people as well as their teachers, trainers, social workers and other professionals and we created and imported a lot of good practices, educational programs, methods and tools. As an educational organization with a strong link to the labour market and to the target group of young people AKLUB is an ideal organization for implementation of this project in the Czech Republic.

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